Rules and Regulations

Any violation of these Rules and Regulations by User or any of User’s visitors, guests or invitees, will constitute a material breach and default by User, and Owner may immediately revoke the Permission provided to User for the occupancy and use of the Campsite and the Property, without notice, and without any requirement to provide an opportunity to cure, and owner may have User and User’s visitors, guests and invitees immediately removed from the Campsite and the Property as trespassers. 

Capitalized terms used, but not defined, in these Rules and Regulations will have the meanings provided in the User’s Campsite Use Agreement.  

    1. Owner reserves the right to adopt and/or amend age restrictions for Users at the Campsites and Property. New Users are currently required to be 55 years of age, or older.  
    2. Owner shall have the right, at all times, to control and operate the Property, including the Campsites, the Amenities and the Services, for the common use of the Users, in such manner as Owner deems best for the benefit of the Property and the Users generally, in Owner’s sole discretion.
    3. Owner reserves the right to close and/or restrict access to the Campsites and/or the Property, or to close and/or restrict access to any or all of the Amenities and Services on the Campsites and/or the Property, at any time for any reason, in Owner’s sole discretion, whether for the protection of the Property or otherwise.
    4. Owner reserves the right to exclude from the Property any person (whether a User or a User’s visitor, guest or invitee, or otherwise), at any time for any reason, in Owner’s sole discretion, including without limitation, anyone who is, or appears to be, in the judgment of the Owner: (i) intoxicated or under the influence of liquor or drugs, or (ii) causing noise, odors or any other disturbance, or (iii) obscene, obnoxious or otherwise interfering with the use and enjoyment of the Property by Owner or any User or User’s visitors, guests or invitees, or (iv) violating any of these Rules or Regulations, or (v) unknown as a User (or a User’s visitor, guest or invitee) or does not properly identify himself to Owner or Owner’s manager of the Property, or (vi) a person who has not executed a Waiver and Release as required for use of the Property. Owner may, at its option, require all persons admitted to or leaving the Property during established Quiet Hours to register with Owner or Owner’s manager of the Property. 
    5. Owner assumes no responsibility and shall not be liable for any damage or injury resulting from the entry of any authorized or unauthorized persons to the Property (whether a User or a User’s visitor, guest or invitee, or otherwise). Owner will not be responsible for loss of or damage to any User’s PP&E (including User’s Camper and Vehicles) from any cause.
    6. User shall use the Campsite and the Property, at all times, in strict compliance with the Campsite Use Agreement and these Rules and Regulations, specifically including the established QUIET HOURS: 10:30 PM TO 7:30 AM, and User shall be responsible for all of User’s visitors, guests and invitees, and shall be liable to Owner for all acts and omissions of such persons, including without limitation, their violation of these Rules and Regulations.
    7. User shall not permit the visit to (or use of) the Campsite and/or Property by any person or persons in such numbers or under such conditions as may interfere with other Users’ use and enjoyment of the Property, including, without limitation, the roads, paths, trails or walkways within or around the Property, or any other public portions of the Property, or the Amenities or Services.
    8. Neither User nor any of User’s visitors, guests or invitees, may leave or park a Camper or other Vehicle on, or in any other way obstruct, any of the roads, paths, trails or walkways within or around the Property, and shall use same only as a means of ingress and egress to, from, and within and around the Campsite and/or Property.
    9. The shower house, fish cleaning station, and other Amenities and Services shall not be used for any purpose other than those for which they were constructed. All damages resulting from any misuse of the Property, including any Amenities or Services, by User or User’s visitors, guests or invitees, shall be borne by User, charged to User and paid by User. 
    10. All User’s PP&E (including User’s Camper and other Vehicles) shall be moved into and out of the Campsite/Property only during such hours and pursuant to such rules as shall be established by Owner from time to time, and specifically not during established Quiet Hours. All damage to the Campsite or Property caused by installing or removing any User’s PP&E shall be repaired at the expense of User, and User shall be liable for all damages by the failure to do so.
    11. User shall see that the User’s PP&E kept on the Campsite are turned off, rendered inoperable or disconnected and safely stored or securely locked before leaving the Campsite and/or Property, and must observe strict care and caution that all electrical, water, and sewer connections, and other Services, are turned off or disconnected before User or User’s visitors, guests and invitees leave the Campsite/Property so as to prevent waste or damage, and User shall be liable for all damages and/or injuries sustained by the failure to do so.
    12. User is not permitted to construct, maintain, use or operate, within the Campsite and/or the Property, any electrical device, wiring or apparatus in connection with a loud speaker system or other sound system audible outside User’s Campsite. User shall not permit noise (whether mechanically, electrically, or manually created) to emanate from the Campsite, especially during established Quiet Hours.  User shall not install or use any machinery on the Campsite and/or Property which may cause any unreasonable noise. 
    13. User shall not use, keep or permit to be used, on the Campsite and/or Property, any flammable, combustible or explosive substances, paints, chemicals or any toxic or Hazardous Substances or other potentially dangerous or offensive substances, or use or permit the use of the Campsite and/or Property in a manner offensive or objectionable to the Owner or other occupants or users by reason of noise, odors, vibrations or otherwise.
    14. User shall not use or permit the use of the Campsite and/or Property for manufacturing or the storage of merchandise or for the sale of merchandise, goods, or property of any kind, or any canvassing, soliciting or advertising.
    15. Removal and disposal of trash, rubbish or other refuse must take place only during the hours and using such procedures which Owner or Owner’s manager may from time to time determine.
    16. User shall, as may be requested by Owner from time to time, move and/or remove Campers, Vehicles or any other part of User’s PP&E on User’s Campsite, all at User’s expense, to allow Owner to perform maintenance, repairs or improvements to the Campsite and/or the Property, or for any other reason Owner may deem necessary, in Owner’s sole discretion.
    17. Contractors or persons employed by User to perform work within the Campsite must obtain Owner’s consent prior to commencing such work, and such person shall, while on the Property, comply with all instructions issued by Owner or Owner’s manager of the Property. User shall be liable for all damages and/or injuries caused by User’s contractors.
    18. User shall give Owner prompt notice of any accidents or damages to or defects in the electric, water, sewer or other Services or Amenities on the Campsite and/or Property.
    19. Users are specifically prohibited from pouring any concrete pad and/or footings. Any and all grading, filling and or trenching must be pre-approved by Owner, in Owner’s sole discretion.
    20. PETS: Users are responsible for their pets.  Users must clean up after their pets. Dogs must be kept on a leash.  Any pets causing unreasonable noise, or repeated noise during Quiet Hours, or exhibiting aggressive behavior, will be prohibited from staying at the Campsite and/or the Property.  Users must exercise care in handing pets to avoid impacting the safety or use and enjoyment of the Property by other Users.    
    21. CAMPSITE MAINTENANCE: User is responsible for, and must at all times, keep and maintain User’s Campsite and all of User’s PP&E, including without limitation, all Campers and Vehicles and any temporary structures permitted by Owner (whether porches, decks, fire rings, screened rooms or otherwise), and all other personal property and equipment of every type (including lighting and decorations), in a neat, clean and orderly fashion, and so as not to distract from the use, enjoyment or views of neighboring Campsites and other users of the Property.  Building materials must not be stored on the Campsite.  User is responsible for any all clean up and maintenance of the Campsite including, but not limited to, trash removal, firewood storage, the clearing of tree fallings and leaves, mowing, raking, and maintenance of landscaping features and gardens.  Lawn and foliage trimming will be done and maintained by the User.  However, User is prohibited from cutting and/or trimming any tree or tree limbs, and/or removing any shrubs without prior approval of Owner, with the sole exception of clearing and cleaning of limbs and shrubs that may be considered incidental and are less than 1 inch in diameter.  User must keep the Campsite free of any and all litter including bottles, cans, wrappers, bottle caps, and cigarette butts. Cigarette butts are not permitted to be disposed of on the ground of any Campsite or anywhere on the Property, except within any Campsite fire ring or in a container designed for their proper disposal. 
    22. LEAVES/BURNING/FIRES: Users shall restrict fires, including the burning of leaves and/or yard waste, to legal and safe fire pits within the Campsite only.  All fires must be contained within a fire ring or pit within User’s Campsite that is sufficient in height and other particulars to prevent the risk of fire from spreading to areas outside of the ring or pit. The Property is heavily wooded and can be very windy. User must exercise extreme care in handling fires and must monitor fires at all times.  User acknowledges and agrees that User may not and will not build, ignite, and/or maintain any fire on any area of the Property outside User’s Campsite, including roads, paths, trails, walkways or grass areas.  Users may not ignite any fire or burn any material which is not organic, compostable or biodegradable.  All fires should be extinguished prior to User going to bed.
    23. NO DUMPING: Users are prohibited from dumping refuse at the campground anywhere, any-time, or for any reason.  Users acknowledge that only organic yard waste from the campground may be placed in the campground compost pile. ONLY LEAVES AND BRANCHES ALLOWED IN THE COMPOST PILE. NO PLASTIC BAGS, LUMBER, BUILDING MATERIALS, OR ANY OTHER ITEMS MAY BE DUMPED IN THE COMPOST PILE. THIS INCLUDES PLASTIC BAGS WHICH MAY CONTAIN LEAVES AND YARD WASTE. LEAVE THE WASTE, TAKE THE BAG.
    24. FISH REMAINS:  Fish remains shall not be disposed of on the Campsite or the Property, anywhere, anytime or for any reason, including without limitation, absolutely no disposal of fish remains in any garbage or refuse containers or trash dumpsters on the Property.  Nor shall fish remains be buried or composted anywhere on or near the Property.  OWNER MAY immediately revoke the Permission provided to User for the occupancy and use of the Campsite and the Property, without notice, and without any requirement to provide an opportunity to cure,  if User or any of user’s visitors, guests or invitees disposes OF FISH REMAINS IN VIOLATION OF THESE RULES AND REGULATIONS.  
    25. LITTER/GARBAGE: User is responsible for garbage and refuse disposal. User shall not dispose of any trash or litter anywhere on the Campsite or the Property except in appropriate garbage or refuse containers or trash dumpsters on the Property.  Litter includes but is not limited to bottles and cans, wrappers, boxes, papers, bottle caps, and cigarette butts.  The dumpster on the Property is available only for disposal of household waste generated at the campsite.  Items such as furnishings, appliances, lawn furniture (including plastic and folding chairs), boat tarps, demolition/construction materials, carpeting, fish guts, lead acid batteries, paint and hazardous chemicals are NOT permitted in the dumpsters.   NO LOOSE TRASH SHALL BE PLACED IN THE DUMPSTER.  ALL TRASH MUST BE BAGGED SECURELY BEFORE BEING DEPOSITED INTO THE DUMPSTER.  USERS ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ADEQUATELY SECURING LOOSE TRASH IN SUCH A WAY THAT ELIIMATES THE POSSIBILITY OF LOOSE TRASH ESCAPING THE BAG AND/OR DUMPSTER.  USERS SHALL NOT OVERFILL THE DUMPSTER.  IF THE DUMPSTER IS FULL, USERS MAY PLACE BAGGED GARBAGE NEXT TO THE DUMPSTER, BUT NOT LEANING AGAINST IT. ITEMS LEFT NEXT THE DUMPSTER MUST NOT BE TOO HEAVY FOR GARBAGE COLLECTORS OR OWNER’S MANAGERS TO HANDLE, AND BAGS LEFT NEXT TO THE DUMPSTER MUST NOT BE TOO WEAK THAT THEY MIGHT BREAK WHILE BEING HANDLED BY GARBAGE COLLECTORS OR OWNER’S MANAGERS.   
    26. NO ADVERTISING/SALE OF PROPERTY: Users may NOT post “FOR SALE” signs (or similar signs or advertisements) on the Campsite or on any Camper, Vehicle or any other part of User’s PP&E at the Campsite.  No sale of a Camper or any other part of User’s PP&E will transfer any rights or obligations related to Campsite or User’s Campsite Use Agreement to the buyer, and Users may not represent such to any potential buyer, or otherwise state or suggest that a buyer might acquire any occupancy or lease rights to the Campsite and/or Property as a result of any such purchase.  Campers or any other part of User’s PP&E must immediately be removed from the Campsite upon sale.
    27. UTILITY SYSTEMS: Owner reserves the right to disconnect any utility hook-ups or other Services, at any time, without notice, to perform maintenance and repairs to any Amenities or Services at the Property, or otherwise, as determined by Owner in its sole discretion. Owner recommends that all Users use water filters and electrical surge protectors.   However, Owner is not responsible for any damage, injury or loss which may be caused by a connection to, disconnection from, or malfunction of any utilities or other Amenities or Services at the Property, whether surge protection is used or not.  
    28. VEHICLES: No ATV’s may be operated at the campground.  User is responsible for the proper and safe use and operation of User’s Camper and all other Vehicles, whether operated by User or any of User’s visitors, guests or invitees.  User shall adequately supervise any operator who lacks proper experience and skill in driving (including persons who are not tall enough or strong enough to operate vehicle controls and/or lack the experience and judgement to understand and manage the risks of operating a motorized vehicle).  Vehicles may not be driven by any person younger than 16 after dark.  No person under the age of 12 is allowed to operate a golf cart (or equivalent) on the Property without the supervision of a licensed driver inside the golf cart immediately next to the driver ready to take control.  Operators of all Vehicles must obey all traffic signs and speed limits (7 mph on campground property), and must also avoid traveling at speeds that cause dust and/or disturbances to other users of the Property even if this is below the campground speed limit, and may never drive in a reckless manner or in any way that puts themselves, their passengers, animals or other users of the Property at risk.  No Vehicles with loud exhaust are allowed on the Property.  Any Vehicles operated at dusk or in darkness must have working headlights, and use them.  Horns must be working, but should be used for safety and warning purposes only.  No Vehicle may carry more passengers than it was designed to carry.  The number of passengers on a golf cart shall not exceed the number of seats on the golf cart, and driver and passengers must remain seated at all times while the Vehicle is moving. 
    29. ROADS/DRIVEWAYS: Users must keep all Vehicles including Campers, trailers and golf carts (all tires) on the rock portion of the roads only.  Users may not cut corners or drive on any grass areas except where signage indicates that it is allowed.  Driving is not allowed in the open fields, in or around the pond area, or on ANY other area that is not specifically designated as roadway or driveway and covered in rock.
    30. JOY RIDING: Users are strictly forbidden from joy riding (driving for the sake of driving) on, or otherwise using the neighboring/nearby Squirrels Nest property.  If a User visits the Squirrels Nest property, the User must drive (safely and legally) directly to and from the Squirrels Nest campsite they are visiting.  Users may only remain on Squirrels Nest property with their vehicle if they are accompanied by a Squirrels Nest camper.  Users driving on Squirrels Nest property must follow all Squirrels Nest rules and regulations.  Users violating the Squirrels Nest rules, or these Rules and Regulations, will be forbidden to drive onto Squirrels Nest property indefinitely.  
    31. Similarly, campers or users of the neighboring/nearby Squirrels Nest property are strictly forbidden from joy riding (driving for the sake of driving) on, or otherwise using the Coy and Wilma’s Property. If a Squirrels Nest camper visits the Coy and Wilma’s Property, they must drive (safely and legally) directly to and from the User/Campsite they are visiting.  They may only remain on Coy and Wilma’s Property with their vehicle if they are accompanied by a Coy and Wilma’s User.  Squirrels Nest campers violating these Rules and Regulations, or the Squirrels Nest rules, will be forbidden to drive onto the Coy and Wilma’s Property indefinitely, and the User they visit will be liable and responsible for all of their acts and omissions, as well as any violations of these Rules and Regulations, since such visitor is one of User’s visitors, guests or invitees.      
    32. Users are responsible and liable for their Campers and Vehicles, and for any and all injury or damage resulting from or occurring in connection with the use of User’s Camper and/or Vehicles, whether on or off the Property, and regardless of who is operating the Campers or Vehicles, including unlicensed or minor operators. Otherwise, Vehicle owners and operators are responsible and liable for any and all injury or damage resulting from or occurring in connection with such owner’s or operator’s use of such Vehicle, whether on or off the Property.  Neither Owner (Coy and Wilma’s, LLC) nor any of its agents, employees, members, managers or representatives, are in any way responsible (whether for personal injury, property damage or otherwise) for any damages or liabilities that might result from Vehicle ownership/operation on or off the Property.
    33. GUESTS: Users must all sign a Campsite Use Agreement.  Children of Users, and others who have not signed the Campsite Use Agreement, are considered User’s guests.  Any individual(s) who enter a Campsite or the Property for the purpose of visiting a User shall also be considered a guest of the User.  All of User’s visitors, guests and invitees are obligated to comply with all of the terms and conditions of the Campsite Use Agreement, including these Rules and Regulations, and the Waiver and Release.  User is required to cause all of User’s visitors, guests and invitees to execute the Waiver and Release the first time they enter the Campsite or the Property.  User is responsible for all actions of User’s visitors, guests and invitees.  Owner reserves the right to terminate User’s Campsite Use Agreement and revoke User’s Permission to occupy and use the Campsite and the Property immediately in the event of any violation of these Rules and Regulations by User or any of User’s visitors, guests or invitees.  Any person(s) in violation of these Rules and Regulations will be expected and required to vacate immediately.  User’s children under 40 years of age are not allowed to occupy User’s Campsite overnight without a User present. The maximum number of guests per site is limited to 6 unless otherwise permitted by Owner.  Guests are prohibited from placing any trailer, camper or RV on User’s Campsite.  No group events are permitted without the prior written permission of Owner, and the size of group events permitted by Owner will be limited by Owner in its sole discretion. 
    34. RESTRICTION/BANNING: Owner seeks to maintain a friendly and cooperative family campground.  Therefore, Owner may restrict or ban any person from visiting the Property or any Campsite at any time, for any reason or no reason (including, without limitation, Users, family members, friends, visitors from Squirrels Nest or other neighboring campgrounds, or others), in Owner’s sole discretion.  Owner has absolute discretion over restricting or banning Users and/or any of User’s visitors, guests and invitees.  Any restricted or banned person(s), and any person(s) in violation of these Rules and Regulations, will be expected and required to vacate immediately.


Owner may, upon request by User, waive the compliance by User with any of these Rules and Regulations, provided that: (i) no waiver shall be effective unless signed by Owner, (ii) any such waiver shall not relieve User from the obligation to comply with such rule or regulation in the future unless expressly consented to, in writing, by Owner, and (iii) no waiver granted to any other user shall relieve User fROm the obligation of complying with these Rules and Regulations unless User has received a similar waiver in writing from Owner.

Owner shall not be liable for the failure of any other users or occupants of the Property, or the failure of any of their visitors, guests or invitees, or any other person, to conform to and comply with these Rules and Regulations.  owner may enforce these rules and regulations agaisnt any user, even if owner had waived or chosen not to enforce the same (or any other) rules or regulations against any other user and/or or such user’s visitors, guests or invitees. 

Owner reserves the right, from time to time, to make amendments to the foregoing Rules and Regulations by giving notice to User, or posting the new/amended Rules and Regulation at the Property.  owner may post these rules and regulations at the shower house or other property location for continuous inspection by users.

Any violation of these Rules and Regulations by User or any of User’s visitors, guests or invitees, will constitute a material breach and default by User, and Owner may immediately revoke the Permission provided to User for the occupancy and use of the Campsite and the Property, without notice, and without any requirement to provide an opportunity to cure, and owner may have User and User’s visitors, guests and invitees immediately removed from the Campsite and the Property as trespassers.